Deste porepuditae optia essit ent as dipsantum, similla utecus.
Nesti officiae ium quibea vendanimus erferciis nis non porupti nimus, opta vellor seriaectam eos resciliqui derciis mo et por rest, optatec eperis estemporum quae eat fugitas perundi geniae preptas ilignis dolo omnis mod untus.
Product 1
Deste porepuditae optia essit ent as dipsantum, similla utecus doluptatibus dest labo. Ut odistrum assit, simet voluptatquae volessin niet pero eosti vellaut atemporio cus.
Product 2
Deste porepuditae optia essit ent as dipsantum, similla utecus doluptatibus dest labo. Ut odistrum assit, simet voluptatquae volessin niet pero eosti vellaut atemporio cus.
Product 3
Deste porepuditae optia essit ent as dipsantum, similla utecus doluptatibus dest labo. Ut odistrum assit, simet voluptatquae volessin niet pero eosti vellaut atemporio cus.
Our features
We are continually developing our solution to deliver a reliable, time and cost-effective means to test and verify RF equipment and ensure that our technology meets the industry’s ongoing requirements to overcome the growing challenge of RFI and help make a more efficient environment.
Find out more about the currently available features:
Knowing the radiation pattern helps you to understand the performance of your antenna. This makes it possible to determine the source of an error when it occurs, as well as being able to compare performance between different antennas.
We can determine an antenna’s ability to support two users operating on the same frequency with different polarisations without impacting the service being delivered to either, or causing interference.
Demonstrates the antennas efficiency, as well as making it possible to calculate link budget once you know how much power should be transmitted.
A LEO antenna must change between satellites every 2-7 minutes. Ensuring pointing is well calibrated ensures the antenna will be very efficient at transitioning from the old one to the new one.
Beam and polarisation alignment is the starting point for many of the tests we undertake to ensure we know the exact location of the beam.
The QuadSAT system can be deployed for antenna measurement in two ways. By a QuadSAT engineer with the managed service option, or you can acquire QuadSAT’s antenna testing equipment yourself to perform antenna testing and measurement with complete flexibility.