QuadSAT at the European Space Agency (ESA) Industry space days.
QuadSAT will be exhibiting on booth A20 at this year’s ESA Industry space days. The team will be available to discuss our revolutionary drone-based antenna test and measurement solutions, recent news, and upcoming developments.
We were recently awarded additional funding (€500,000) by ESA under ARTES Core Competitiveness programme, to enter the product phase development project, thus continuing the successfully concluded technology phase.
“Collaborating with ESA provides us with a platform to further develop and demonstrate our product’s capabilities and validate its efficacy within the satcom ecosystem. It is instrumental in gaining industry recognition for our product. The ARTES programme is an excellent opportunity as it provides organisations with access to ESA resources to accelerate the development of productization. The support we have received from ESA has been exceptional.”
– Joakim Espeland, CEO, QuadSAT
We also worked alongside teams from the ESA’s ESOC mission control centre to complete a measurement campaign of large antennas at Kiruna Earth Station. Using the QuadSAT UAS, this represents the first time a drone-based system has been used to measure a 15-metre antenna and to perform tracking tests with it.
Visit us on booth A20 to:
- find out more about our flexible, cost-effective, location independent antenna testing and measurement solutions.
- Discover more of our recent projects.
- Learn about the most recent and upcoming developments to our solution.